Friday, March 6, 2020

Marines Bootcamp Essay Example

Marines Bootcamp Essay Example Marines Bootcamp Essay Marines Bootcamp Essay The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is a branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for providing power projection from the sea, using the mobility of the United States Navy to rapidly deliver combined arm task forces; It is one of seven uniformed services of the United States. The Marine Corps is component the United States Department of the Navy (marines. om) often working closely with naval forces for training, transportation and logistics; however, the Marine Corps is separate branch, they are known as several things like Bulldogs, Devil Dog and Jarheads, they are a very proud branch they have loyalty, respect, manners and moral and physical courage but, what stands out is there strength many say marines are the toughest? They train the hardest Boot camp mentally and physically. Many people know marines as the toughest branch, with the toughest Boot camp or are just all talk? Before being a marine there are some steps to take in order to become a Marine you must be physically fit, you must pass a PFT (Physical Fitness Test) every six months. A perfect score (300) is achieved by doing twenty dead-pull-ups in thirty seconds, 100 crunches in 120 seconds and a three-mile run in 18 minutes. You don’t need to be perfect to enlist, but make sure you can do at least five-pull-ups, 60 crunches and run 1. 5 miles in 11 minutes this is for males only females need to make this requirement 3 pull ups to 100 crunches in two minutes and 21 minutes in three-mile runs. Boot camp is more challenging both mentally and physically than the basic training programs Not only are the physical requirements much higher, but recruits are required to learn and memorize a startling amount of information. There are more than 70 training days in a period a little longer than 12 weeks (but dont let that fool you. There is lots of training going on on the non-training days, such as the time in Reception, the time spent in forming, and on Sundays and Holidays. It has been said time and time again by former Marines that Marine Corps recruit training was the most difficult thing they ever had to do in their entire lives In Marine boot camp, youll start drill almost immediately. A few hours studying basic drill and ceremony will help immensely. As with the other services, you should memorize U. S. Marine Corps Rank. Additionally, your recruiter should have told you to memorize the 11 General Orders for a Sentry. While not mandatory, the Marine Rifle Creed is nice to know. You should also memorize the Marines Hymn, all of it, if possible, but at least the first verse. Wait thats not all (I told you it was tough). Youll need to memorize the USMC Core Values, study Marine Corps history, and commit the characteristics of the M16A4 Rifle to memory. Round all of this out by memorizing the Code of Conduct. f you dont know how to swim, try to learn before you leave for boot camp. Before you graduate, youll have to demonstrate basic swimming skills. The other services have lists of what you should or should not bring with you. The Marines make it simple: Dont bring anything except your important papers (such as drivers license, social security card, and banking information), except the clothes on your back. Everything you need will be issued to you. For non-issue items, it will be issued, and the cost taken out of your pay. Marine Boot camp has different stages 12 stages the First day you get to bootcamp you will see a Drill Instructor who will greet you with this form of greeting â€Å"Tens of thousands of Marines have begun outstanding service to our country on the very footprints in which you stand today. You will carry on that proud tradition and then you will enter and see a hatch, you make a left, you’ve got to reach in one of these boxes and grab a bag open the bag wide and grab your gear issued to you dump it on your bed† the first night is hectic because your grabbing everything you need and throwing everything away you don’t need, the first week is drilling and teaching you the basics and how everything will be from now on until you graduate from boot camp. The second week youll continue learning the basics of close combat skills, including the infamous pugil sticks. Many recruits are somewhat apprehensive about this phase of training, but then find out how much fun it really is. Its almost impossible to get hurt. The recruits are protected by a football helmet and mask, rubber neck roll and crotch cup, and only two kinds of blows are permitted: the slash and the horizontal butt stroke, both to the well-protected head and neck. A clean shot ends the bout. Th e secret is aggression this is not a defensive sport. ] word here about competition. Marine platoons compete against each other in almost every aspect of training, from drills to inspections to pugil sticks to P. T. to academics. For each and every event, trophies are won and displayed prominently in the barracks on the awards table. This is no small matter the competition is stiff and the D. I. s (and recruits! ) take victories and defeats very seriously. Youll learn field first aid, attend classes on core values (as well as other academic classes), and receive several hours on basic weapon handling. eek 3, in addition to more re pugil sticks and close combat training, additional classes on first aid and core values, youll participate in a 3 mile march (with packs). The Confidence Course consists of eleven obstacles, designed so that each obstacle is more physically challenging then the last. The obstacles are: Dirty name Run, Jump Swing The Inclining Wall The Confidence Climb Monkey Bridge The Tough One Reverse Climb Slide for Life the Hand Walk (The Arm Stretche r, and The Sky Scraper. While these names sound daunting, the course is designed so the average platoon can run it in 45 minutes. Like pugil sticks, the Confidence Course is a great morale builder, as most of the recruits find out they can negotiate the obstacles with ease (after a little practice and encouragement from ever-vigilant D. I. s). During the fourth week, there will be even more training with pugil sticks and additional training in close combat skills (I told you there was increased emphasis on this). In addition to the daily P. T. , there will be further academic classes (including more core values training). The highlight of week 4 is the individual drill evaluation. Your platoon will be evaluated, graded, and compared to the other platoons. The winning platoon, of course, receives a trophy for the trophy table. The losing platoons receive the wrath of their respective D. I. s. week 5 is Combat Water Survival. All Marines must pass basic water survival skills in order to graduate from boot camp (those who dont pass will receive extensive remedial training until they do). Training in Combat Water Survival develops a recruits confidence in the water. All recruits must pass the minimum requirement level of Combat Water Survival-4, which requires recruits to perform a variety of water survival and swimming techniques. If a recruit meets the CWS-4 requirements, he may upgrade to a higher level. All recruits train in the camouflage utility uniform, but those upgrading may be required to train in full combat gear, which includes a rifle, helmet, flak jacket and pack. Also this week will be a 5 mile hike a test on Marine Customs Courtesies, more training in first aid, a full-blown inspection (uniforms, rifles, questions, etc. ), and (of course) more classes on core values. During week 7, youll also experience a 6 mile night march, and get another chance at the Confidence Course. Week 8 is called Team Week, which means you get to spend all of your time working at the mess hall or some other glamorous detail. This is much better than it sounds, however; for an entire week, youll be free of the incessant presence of the D. I. s (to be replaced with the relatively gentler attitudes of the mess sergeants). Additionally, youll enjoy using your status as a senior recruit to help, um.. motivate brand new recruits as they stumble throw the chow hall lines. (BTW, the best way to tell senior recruits from the newbies is to look at their haircuts. Bald heads indicates new recruits, while stubble, or high tights indicate more senior recruits). One word of warning. Enjoy it while it lasts when you return to your platoon at the end of this week, youll more likely than not discover that your D. I. thinks youve grown sloppy and undisciplined during the week, and will expend extra effort for the next few days in returning you and the rest of the platoon to his/her version of disciplined recruits. This re-transformation will most likely require several applications of quarter-decking. The ninth week will consist almost entirely of the fundamentals of field firing, in preparation for field training during the tenth week. There will also be a 10 mile march (with packs) during week 9. If you havnt experienced blisters yet during your time in boot camp, you most likely will experience it during week 9. During week 10, youll start putting all of your training together during field training. Field Training is practice war. Youll operate and live in a simulated combat environment, and learn the fundamentals of patrolling, firing, setting up camp, and more. Basic Warrior Training introduces recruits to field living conditions. The majority of a Marines field training is conducted after recruit training at the School of Infantry. During the 3-day Basic Warrior Training conducted during boot camp, recruits will learn basic field skills like setting up a tent, field sanitation and camouflage. It is also during this training that recruits go through the gas chamber. During week 11, you get a chance to put everything youve learned in boot camp to the test. The week starts with the biggest competition of all: The Company Commanders Inspection. Not only are you being judged here, but your D. I. is being judged as well. It will behoove you to give this inspection every single thing youve got (hint: to don your trousers without breaking the crease, stand on your foot-locker). Once youve gotten the Company Commanders Inspection out of the way, youll experience the event to top all events: The Crucible. The Crucible is the final test every recruit must go through to become a Marine. It will test you physically, mentally and morally and is the defining moment in recruit training. The Crucible is no walk in the park, unless your idea of a walk in the park takes place over 54-hours and includes food and sleep deprivation (only four hours of sleep per night)and approximately 40 miles of marching. The entire Crucible event pits teams of recruits against a barrage of day and night events requiring every recruit to work together solving problems, overcoming obstacles and helping each other along. The Crucible Event is designed around Core Value Stations, Warrior Stations, the Confidence Course, Reaction Course, and Movement Course as well as other various mentally and physically challenging events. A final foot march will conclude with a Morning Colors Ceremony and a Warriors Breakfast. The famed Eagle, Globe and Anchor Ceremony is conducted immediately after the Cruicible. The Eagle, Globe and Anchor is the Marine Corps Emblem It signifies that you are a member, always and forever, of the few and the proud. The ceremony is the most emotional time of basic training, even more so than the graduation parade. Ever seen a grown Marine cry? Try to find a dry eye during this ceremony. The event used to be held on family day, the day before the graduation parade. However, this life-changing event is now a private (Marines only) ceremony, held immediately after the Cruicible. Week 11 is also known as Transformation Week. During this week the new Marines are given 1 hour extra free time each evening and wear the rank insignia of the grade to which they were either guaranteed upon enlistment, or earned during recruit training. Also during this week, more responsibility is given to the privates and privates first class and the supervision from the drill instructors is decreased. In fact, drill instructors dont wear their duty belts during this time and many of the Drill Instructors will allow the new Marines call them by their rank, not as sir or maam. This week helps these new Marines adjust from being a recruit to being a Marine. The final week. D. I. s are no longer yelling (as much). Youll spend this last week learning about theHeroes of the Corps, a class or two on financial management, the relatively easy Battalion Commanders Inspection, more (of course) core value classes, and finally, graduation practice and graduation. The minimum (core) graduation requirements are: (1) Pass the physical fitness test and be within prescribed weight standards (2) Qualify for Combat Water Survival at level 4 or higher (3) Qualify with the service rifle (4) Pass the batallion commanders inspection (5) Pass the written tests (6) Complete the CrucibleIf you fail in any of the above areas, you are subject to be recycled (sent backwards in time to another platoon), or may possibly bedischarged. Heres how your 13 weeks breaks down in actual hours: Instructional Time (The Crucible / Combat Water Survival / Weapons and Field Training): 279. 5 hours Core Values / Academics / Values Reinforcement: 41. 5 Physical Fitness: 59 Close Order Drill: 54. 5 Field Training: 31 Close Combat Training: 27 Conditioning Marches:Administration: 60 Senior DI Time (nightly free time): 55. 5 Movement Time: 60 Sleep: 479 Basic Daily Routine: 210 Chow: 179 Total: 1518 hours Still not impressed? Check out the complete list of tasks you will be tested on. If you do a great job, you just might get promoted. Based on the recommendations of the Senior Drill Instructor, the Commanding General can meritoriously promote recruits who have consistently demonstrated superior performance in the following areas and have no nonjudicial punishment infractions. Physical Fitness,Marksmanship,Leadership, Motivation, Academics and Field Skills Marines are authorized 10 days of leave, immediately following graduation from boot camp. Youll need the rest, however because boot camp is just the start.

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